Monday, April 21, 2008


"EXPELLED! No Intelligence Allowed" is a new, controversial documentary about Intelligent Design and the debate between Creationism and Evolution.

Being a Christian with a science degree and somewhat analytical thinking, I cannot accept that life, any life, on this planet is the result of an extremely rare, incredibly lucky accident. There is a designer behind all of this and it is God. His hand is in our creation and the creation of all life.

And while I do believe that he guides our lives, he has given us free will. That will extends to all of his creations. They, and we, make choices and we must live with those choices. Or die by them. We can adapt according to our free will, thus creating evolution in ourselves. All of God's creatures can do this. So, evolution exists within the realm of the creation of all life by our omnipotent God.

After seeing this trailer, I would like to see how well the issue is handled. We cannot create a future for the human race is we force our children, and ourselves, to be limited by what others view as "safe" ideas.

If nothing else, it will have far more truth to it that Al Gore's fakumentary about Global Warming. Maybe Ben will get a Nobel Peace Prize and an Academy Award for this, too!

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